javascript - How to prevent location change of all components after update of nodeDataArray of diagram? -

i have diagram:

var $ = go.graphobject.make; var diagram = $(go.diagram, element[0], {      initialcontentalignment:,      initialscale: 1,      layout: $(go.layereddigraphlayout, { direction: 0 }),      isreadonly: false,      allowlink: true,      allowclipboard: false,      animationmanager.duration: 200,      undomanager.isenabled: false }); 

i create several simple elements , add them using addnodedatacollection method diagram model. change position of elements , add 1 more nodedataarray. expect after adding of new element position of old items won't changed not true. locations of items changed , elements aligned center. correct behaviour? didn't find how prevent recalculation of locations after adding new item in nodedataarray.

normally when add or remove node or link, layout performed again. in case diagram.layout happen again, moving manually adjusted node positions layout thinks should be. please read more details, section "layout invalidation".

in case i'm not sure want accomplish. might sufficient set layout.isongoing false on layereddigraphlayout instance.


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