ms access - Saving data from a form to table -

this baffling me.

i have userform listbox showing in table (connected using rowsource)

on form have combo boxes , text boxes, when user updates them want data overwrite whats in table.

when click account in list box text/combo boxes populate data, when change come data not save , don't know why.

on text/combo boxes have following code save in table:

    runcommand accmdsaverecord docmd.domenuitem acformbar, acrecordsmenu, acsaverecord, , acmenuver70 me.refresh me.dirty = false 

any idea why wont save?

this alternative code 1 have

dim db database dim rec recordset  set db = currentdb set rec = db.openrecordset("select * <<insert table name>> <<textbox>>= primary key")  rec.edit  rec("<<table field name>>") = me.<<form textbox etc>> rec("<<table field name>>") = me.<<form textbox etc>>  rec.addnew 


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