c# - Using same method to download different file -

i'm working on web app i'm using c# , asp.net mvc. on 1 of page have requirement users able download files , fill in relevant data upload them. due users having old machine i'm working .xls , .xlsx. file can downloaded based upon dropdown value user must select.

i have 2 buttons 1 .xls , 1 xlsx file. question how can use same backend code swap between files. if .xls clicked user gets .xls file , if other click receive .xlsx file.

this code far:

public fileresult downloadtemplates(string policytype) {    string templatename = string.empty;    string basedirectory = "base path";    string templatedirectory = "temnplate directory path";      switch (policytype)     {        case "administrative":           templatename = "admin xls file"; //how can swap between .xls , .xlsx file?           break;        case "policy":           templatename = "policy xls file"; //how can swap between .xls , .xlsx file?           break;        case "consignment":           templatename = "consignment xls file"; //how can swap between .xls , .xlsx file?           break;        case "quality":           templatename = "quality xls file"; //how can swap between .xls , .xlsx file?           break;        default:           templatename = string.empty;           break;     }      string filepath = path.combine(basedirectory, templatedirectory, templatename);     byte[] filedata = system.io.file.readallbytes(filepath);     string contenttype = mimemapping.getmimemapping(filepath);      return file(filedata, contenttype); } 

there's path method - path.changeextension change extension you:

if path has no extension, , extension not null, returned path string contains extension appended end of path.

as work if stored name of file 1 of extensions in place (e.g. xlsx) you'd need be:

if (xlsselected)     path.changeextension(filepath, ".xlsx"); 

obviously you'll need pass in (or otherwise determine) xlsselected.

alternatively, if store template name without extension can do:

if (xlsselected)     templatename = templatename + ".xls"; else     templatename = templatename + ".xlsx"; 

you can go further making extension strings resources and/or configurable in case there's need change them again in future.


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