Python docx: insert_after()? -

right now, have "template file" several paragraphs exist (like education, career, aims, etc.) , every paragraph composed like

1. education  2. career  3. aims 

now, i'd fill these paragraphs text database make like

1. education education text database  2. career nasty career stuff database  3. aims aims defined here  database 

searched through api documentation found close function called insert_paragraph_before(text) - counterpart exist?
desired output should be:

from docx import document document = document('template.docx') p in document.paragraphs:     if p.text == 'some keyword here':         p.insert_paragraph_after('some text insert here')            ^            |            function not (yet?) exist'result.docx') 

the short answer "not yet".

what might able though:

def insert_paragraph_after(paragraphs, idx, text=none):     next_paragraph_idx = idx + 1     if idx == len(paragraphs):         return document.add_paragraph(text)     next_paragraph = paragraphs[next_paragraph_idx]     return next_paragraph.insert_paragraph_before(text)  paragraphs = list(document.paragraphs) idx, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs):     if paragraph.text == 'some keyword':         insert_paragraph_after(paragraphs, idx, "some lorem ipsum here") 


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