javascript - jQuery UI Splitter/Resizable for unlimited amount of columns -

using jqueryui splitter or resizable functions want create layout allows unlimited amount of columns added , columns need resizable.

so fiddle:

but in fiddle html contains out of nested sets instead of inline. limits possibilities above fiddle can have equal widths 2,4,8,16,32 etc columns. in between shows crooked can see in fiddle.

when researching came on question: jquery ui , splitter

if @ top answer shows structure like:

<div class="wrap">   <div class="resizable resizable1"></div>   <div class="resizable resizable2"></div> </div> 

full fiddle:

which structure want javascript hardcoded 2 resizable items.

so here question:

how modify last fiddle works amount of .resizable divs.

or know of plugin can this.

thanks helping!

so far found plugin:

which says , close functionality want. in table layout , not div layout.

working fiddle:

it activated this:

$("#sample2").colresizable({   fixed:true,   livedrag:true,   gripinnerhtml:"<div class='grip'></div>",    draggingclass:"dragging" }); 


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