how to create maven mojo plugin to overwrite files directories in target project -
i writing maven plugin generates java source code based on input text file , additional configuration.
e.g. user creates maven project , adds plugin in project's pom.xml below -
<plugin> <groupid>abc.plugin</groupid> <artifactid>abc-maven-plugin</artifactid> <version>1.0.0</version> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>abc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <schemapath>${basedir}\input</schemapath> <package></package> <filenametxt>${basedir}\input.txt</filenametxt> </configuration> </plugin>
as part of executing goal of plugin, plugin delete pre existing java source files/directories in user's project rewrite pom.xml of user project.
plugin should regenerate user project's pom.xml taking existing contents , keep other existing user project resources schema directory.
also,i don't want user of plugin editing after generation of source code , prefer directly 'compile package' generated source code in user project plugin.
since plugin regenerate users' pom.xml itself, may need create new maven project altogether generated source code, compile, package , have jar created?
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