How to implement Single Sign On on Android -

i implement single sign on on android.

i have set of mobile apps need speak server identify user.

when 1 of applications recognised belonging user, other apps should able detect that, without asking user further identification.

so user log in 1 application , other applications follow automatically.

please how achieve that?

you use central app sign-on, , call service other apps. sign-on management app should have service marked application-specific permission (see, , should set android:protectionlevel attribute signature; example in android manifest:

<permission android:name="com.example.sso_access"     android:protectionlevel="signature" /> 

and in android manifest:

<service android:enabled="true"     android:exported="true"     android:name=".singlesignonservice"     android:permission="com.example.sso_access" >     . . . </service> 

this allow apps create communicate sign-on app's service, no other applications able to.

you should communicate service using standard android service techniques (bind service using bindservice() appropriate intent - need appropriate intent filter service in manifest) - see android services guide information on this.


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