delphi - Remove highlight in RichEdit -

i using following code highlight selection of text in richedit.

procedure taformatmain.bthighlighttextclick(sender: tobject); const   acolor = clyellow; var   format: charformat2; begin   fillchar(format, sizeof(format), 0);   format   begin     cbsize := sizeof(format);     dwmask := cfm_backcolor;     crbackcolor := acolor;     ried.perform(em_setcharformat, scf_selection, longint(@format));   end;   ried.selstart := ried.selstart + ried.sellength; end; 

can tell me how remove highlight or colour value "no colour" (equivalent no colour in microsoft word) be. not find relevant information topic on net.

to rest background color set:

format.dweffects := cfe_autobackcolor; format.dwmask := cfm_backcolor;  

see also: charformat2 structure


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