c# - Unable to install package with WiX bootstrapper -

i've wix setup c# application.

i have wix bootstrapper used install application, .net framework , sql server.

i have 2 problems installation sql server.

  • on pc application installed, bootstrapper don't detect , try re install. on log file see

"registry key not found. key = 'hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\instance names\sql'"

but checked regedit, got register :

enter image description here

there code :

<util:registrysearch     id="sqlinstancekeyfound"     root="hklm"     key="software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\instance names\sql"     value="sqlexpress"     result="exists"     variable="sqlserverinstalled" /> 
  • on pc without application, installation failed error 0x84b40000.

there code :

  <exepackage id="sqlexpressx64"               sourcefile=".\resources\sqlexpr_x64_enu.exe"               permachine="yes"               cache="no"               compressed="no"               downloadurl="https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/4/b/04be03cd-eaf3-4797-9d8d-2e08e316c998/sqlexpr_x64_enu.exe"               permanent="yes"               vital="yes"               installcommand="/q /hideconsole /action=install /features=sql /instancename=sqlexpress /enableranu=1 /sqlsvcaccount=&quot;nt authority\network service&quot; /addcurrentuserassqladmin /iacceptsqlserverlicenseterms /skiprules=rebootrequiredcheck"               installcondition="versionnt64 , not sqlserverinstalled" /> 

thank help

i'm not expert, however, worked on this.

my code (working):

<util:registrysearch     id="regsearchsqlinstancefound"     root="hklm"     key="software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\instance names\sql"     value="$(var.sqlinstancename)"     result="exists"     variable="sqlinstancefound" /> 

my value variable :

<?define sqlinstancename=mssqlserver?> 


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