java - put method in the json object adds value to the first of the jsonobject; -

consider following piece of code:

jsonobject json = new jsonobject();   json.put("one", 1);   json.put("two", 2);   json.put("three", 3); 

if print jsonobject prints this


but want this.


please help. in advance.

the documentation @ says:

a jsonobject unordered collection of name/value pairs.

in other words, properties of object accessed name, not position , default serialized form not guarantee specific order.

strict positioning comes arrays:

jsonarray json = new jsonarray();  json.put("1"); json.put("2"); json.put("3");  json.tostring(); // results in ["1", "2", "3"] 

the easiest workaround solve problem use sortedkeys() method , iterating jsonobject key key, produce json string manually in ever order necessary. implementing custom comparator might also.


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