mongodb performance issue when fetching facet count and data -

i'm new using mongodb.
have collection of documents this:

{     "_id" : objectid("58204f60536d1a27736d512b"),     "last_name" : "vinaykumar",     "university_name" : "osmania university",     "job_483" : 1,     "xiith_mark" : 0,     "id" : "3305775",     "first_name" : "v",     "course_name" : "diploma",     "institute_name_string" : "govt.polytechnic,kothagudem",     "profile_percentage" : 60,     "xiith_mark_type" : "percentage",     "xth_mark_type" : "percentage",     "date_of_birth" : "11-march-1995",     "xth_mark" : 0,     "last_login" : 1379565790,     "percentage" : 76,     "job_details" : [     {         "status" : numberlong(0),         "applied_date" : numberlong(1476703354),         "contact_viwed_status" : 0,         "label_name" : [ ],         "questionnaire_status" : 0,         "batch_id" : null,         "owner_type" : "searches",         "call_letter" : null,         "owner_id" : numberlong(465)     },     {         "status" : numberlong(0),         "applied_date" : numberlong(1477051963),         "contact_viwed_status" : 0,         "label_name" : [ ],         "questionnaire_status" : 0,         "batch_id" : null,         "owner_type" : "searches",         "call_letter" : null,         "owner_id" : numberlong(482)     },     {         "status" : numberlong(0),         "applied_date" : numberlong(1477052973),         "contact_viwed_status" : 0,         "label_name" : [ ],         "questionnaire_status" : 0,         "batch_id" : null,         "owner_type" : "searches",         "call_letter" : null,         "owner_id" : numberlong(483)    }    ],    "branch_name" : "electrical & electronics",    "candidate_state_name" : "andhra pradesh",    "candidate_city_name_string" : "andhra pradesh-other",    "10" : 10,    "12" : 12,    "gender" : "male",    "fw_id" : "fw15651132",    "cgpa" : 0,    "picture_path" : "",    "hq_passout_year" : 2013 } 

i need find data db facet count .
need facet count following fields

  • job_details.status , job_details.label_name, job_details.contact_viwed_status, candidate_city_name_string,
    course_name, hq_passout_year, branch_name , candidate_sublocation_name_string , skill

and total matching count , data limit

i did separate query each facet , 1 query total count , 1 query data
total 9+1+1=11 querys

query's are

facet query's job_details.status , job_details.label_name , job_details.contact_viwed_status did

db.response.aggregate([     {"$match":{"$and":[{"job_details.owner_id" : 428},         {"job_details.owner_type" : 'searches'}]}},      {"$unwind": "$job_details" },      {"$group": {"_id":"$job_details.status","count": {"$sum": 1 }} }     ]) 

other 6 facet query's this

db.response.aggregate([ {"$and":[{"job_details.owner_id" : 428},{"job_details.owner_type" : 'searches'}]},                 {"$group": {"_id":"$candidate_city_name_string","count": {"$sum": 1 }}}] )   

query collecting data

 db.response.aggregate([               {"$and":[{"job_details.owner_id" : 428}{"job_details.owner_type" : 'searches'}]},               {"$limit":25},``               { "$skip":0} ,               {"$unwind":"$job_details"}]) 

query collecting total count

db.response.find({"$and":[{"job_details.owner_id" : 428},{"job_details.owner_type" : 'searches'}]}).count() 

total 3+9+1+1=11 querys performance very low . possible make 11 query single query or how can improve performance.
please help.

db.response.aggregate([ {"$match":{"$and":[{"job_details.owner_id" : 482},{"job_details.owner_type" : 'searches'}]}},  {$facet: {     "status": [                      {"$unwind": "$job_details" },                      {"$group": {"_id":"$job_details.status","count": {"$sum": 1 }} }                  ],     "label_name": [                      {"$unwind": "$job_details" },                      {"$unwind": "$job_details.label_name" },                      {"$group": {"_id":"$job_details.label_name","count": {"$sum": 1 }} }                   ] ,     "contact_viwed_status": [                      {"$unwind": "$job_details" },                      {"$group": {"_id":"$job_details.contact_viwed_status","count": {"$sum": 1 }} }                   ],     "questionnaire_status": [                      {"$unwind": "$job_details" },                      {"$group": {"_id":"$job_details.questionnaire_status","count": {"$sum": 1 }} }                   ],     "candidate_city_name_string": [                          {"$group": {"_id":"$candidate_city_name_string","count": {"$sum": 1 }}}                       ],     "course_name": [                          {"$group": {"_id":"$course_name","count": {"$sum": 1 }}}                       ],     "hq_passout_year": [                          {"$group": {"_id":"$hq_passout_year","count": {"$sum": 1 }}}                       ],     "branch_name": [                          {"$group": {"_id":"$branch_name","count": {"$sum": 1 }}}                       ],     "candidate_sublocation_name_string": [                          {"$group": {"_id":"$candidate_sublocation_name_string","count": {"$sum": 1 }}}                       ],     "skill": [                          {"$group": {"_id":"$skill","count": {"$sum": 1 }}}                       ],     "doc": [                     {"$limit":25},                     {"$skip":0},                     {"$unwind":"$job_details"}],     "total_count":[                     {"$group":{"_id": "null", "count":{"$sum":1}}}]         }}]) 


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