Customer layer solutions in perforce or in eclipse -

i have question regarding customer layer solutions in perforce or in eclipse

this problem in general.

our source control (perforce) set include

  • one folder generic code
  • second folder customer layer code (same folder tree , same file names)
  • in same p4 workspace

development environment problem

now having problem create development environment overweight core code,with customer code , allow developer see changes in perforce

if copy files , try use perforce reconcile p4v cannot tell if need change code in customer section or in core section may ask add new file incorrect location , on

i have 1 solution in mind

form perforce side bit complicated

  1. run on customer folder , create perforce symlink in relevant core folder
  2. add trigger add , delete file in customer folder , add or remove link in core folder

so developer have 1 tree work on , p4 see changes in correct place

my questions are
1. there better way in p4?

  1. is there way config eclipse @ folders , build me working arear include file form core , customer folders, without realy copy files 1 location second


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