c# - returning file after saving it on disk in mvc -

i have problem in returning file after saving on disk !! pleaaase

note:the function "downloadfile" work when call directly .

public actionresult exportreport(ienumerable<student> user_list)         {               reportdocument rd = new reportdocument();              rd.load(path.combine(server.mappath("~/reports"), "crystalreport2.rpt"));              rd.setdatasource(user_list);             rd.exporttodisk(exportformattype.portabledocformat, @"d:\reports\file.pdf");             return redirectpermanent("http://localhost:21104/home/downloadfile");         }           public actionresult downloadfile()         {             string filename = "file.pdf";             string filepath = @"d:\reports\" + filename;             byte[] filedata = system.io.file.readallbytes(filepath);             string contenttype = mimemapping.getmimemapping(filepath);              var cd = new system.net.mime.contentdisposition             {                 filename = filename,                 inline = true,             };              response.appendheader("content -disposition", cd.tostring());              return file(filedata, contenttype);         } 


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