jquery - import owl.carousel from webpack -
i new f2e world. created web application using create-react-app. (https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app)
i wanted import owl.carousel projects, followed guide of npm (https://www.npmjs.com/package/owl.carousel) ,which of syntax is:
import $ 'jquery'; import 'imports?jquery=jquery!owl.carousel';
but debugger console indicated error :
unexpected '!' in 'imports?jquery=jquery!owl.carousel'. not use import syntax configure webpack loaders import/no-webpack-loader-syntax
i tried syntax:
import owlcarousel 'owl.carousel'
and error be:
uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'fn' of undefined
could me figure out happened? thanks.
update: webpack loader settings:
loaders: [ // process js babel. { test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, include: paths.appsrc, loader: 'babel-loader', query: { cachedirectory: findcachedir({ name: 'react-scripts' }) } }, { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style!css?importloaders=1!postcss' }, { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' }, { test: /\.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)(\?.*)?$/, loader: 'file', query: { name: 'static/media/[name].[hash:8].[ext]' } }, { test: /\.(mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)(\?.*)?$/, loader: 'url', query: { limit: 10000, name: 'static/media/[name].[hash:8].[ext]' } } ]
my component code:
import react, { component } 'react'; import './app.css'; import './css/style.css'; import './css/bootstrap.min.css'; import './css/owl.carousel.css'; import fruitselector './containers/fruit_selector'; import fruitdetail './containers/fruit_detail'; import $ 'jquery'; import 'owl.carousel'; class app extends component { render() { $(document).ready(function(){ $(".content-slider").owlcarousel({ slidespeed: 350, singleitem: true, autoheight: true, navigation: true, navigationtext: ["<i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i>"] }); }); return ( <div classname="app"> <div classname="row"> <div classname="col-sm-4 col-md-3 sidebar"> <fruitselector/> </div> <div classname="col col-md-8"> <fruitdetail/> </div> </div> </div> ); } } export default app;
my webpack.config.dev.js plugin setting:
plugins: [ new interpolatehtmlplugin({ public_url: publicurl }), new htmlwebpackplugin({ inject: true, template: paths.apphtml, }), new webpack.defineplugin(env), new webpack.hotmodulereplacementplugin(), // watcher doesn't work if mistype casing in path use // plugin prints error when attempt this. // see https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues/240 new casesensitivepathsplugin(), // if require missing module , `npm install` it, still have // restart development server webpack discover it. plugin // makes discovery automatic don't have restart. // see https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues/186 new watchmissingnodemodulesplugin(paths.appnodemodules), new webpack.provideplugin({ $: "jquery", jquery: "jquery", "window.jquery": "jquery" })]
the error pops out:
app.js:71 uncaught typeerror: (0 , _jquery2.default)(...).owlcarousel not function(…)
remove plugin blocks import syntax
problem import syntax not default webpack syntax. have installed in project https://github.com/benmosher/eslint-plugin-import/blob/master/docs/rules/no-webpack-loader-syntax.md block it, sure part of react-create-app. please remove enable syntax.
owl.carousel needs jquery
library imported inside because uses $ variable, problem , why webpack-loader-syntax
must removed.
if try import owl
in standard way jquery
not defined there ( every file in webpack has own scope ), throw error:
uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'fn' of undefined
( alternative )use shimming module
if removing plugin problem can try add jquery every module usage shimming module - https://webpack.github.io/docs/shimming-modules.html.
in webpack config like:
module.exports = { plugins: [ new webpack.provideplugin({ $: "jquery", jquery: "jquery", "window.jquery": "jquery" }) ] //other config vars };
and add by:
import 'owl.carousel'
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