ios - Error: Use of undeclared identifier NSOpenPanel in Xcode -

i'm getting following error:

use of undeclared identifier nsopenpanel

nsopenpanel *panel = [nsopenpanel openpanel]; [panel setcanchoosefiles:no]; [panel setcanchoosedirectories:yes]; [panel setallowsmultipleselection:yes]; // yes if more 1 dir allowed  nsinteger clicked = [panel runmodal]; if (clicked == nsfilehandlingpanelokbutton)  {     (nsurl *url in [panel urls])      {         // url here.     } } 

nsopenpanel not available in ios, under macos (cocoa).

you can not let user browse file system under ios. can browse file types though, using apples public api. instance can let user choose images using uiimagepickercontroller


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