sql server - Decrease execution time of SQL query -

i've got question in terms of processing , making query more efficient whilst maintaining accuracy. before display query i'd point out basics of it.

i've got case manipulates where-clause childs of parent. i've got 2 types of data need display; red , green type. red type has column (trk_trackergroup_lkid2) set null default, whereas green data has value in said column (ranging 5-7).

my problem need extract both types of data accurately count of outstanding issues in view, doing (by adding case) execution time goes < 1 second on 15 seconds.

this query (with mentioned case):

select ts.id        trackerstartdateid,        tsm.mappingtypeid,        tsm.maptoid,        tflk.trk_trackergroup_lkid,        count(tf.id) cnt   [dbo].[trk_startdate] ts        inner join [dbo].[trk_startdatemap] tsm                on ts.id = tsm.trk_startdateid                   , tsm.deletedflag = 0        inner join [dbo].[trk_trackerfeatures] tf                on tf.trk_startdateid = ts.id                   , tf.deletedflag = 0        inner join [dbo].[trk_trackerfeatures_lk] tflk                on tflk.id = tf.trk_feature_lkid  ts.deletedflag = 0        , tf.applicabletoproject = 1        , tf.readyforwork = case  -- here problem                                when tf.trk_trackerstatus_lkid2 null 0                                else 1                              end        , tf.datestamp = (select max(tf2.datestamp)                              [dbo].[trk_trackerfeatures] tf2                                   inner join [dbo].[trk_trackerfeatures_lk] tflk2                                           on tflk2.id = tf2.trk_feature_lkid                             tf.trk_startdateid = tf2.trk_startdateid                                   , tflk2.trk_trackergroup_lkid = tflk.trk_trackergroup_lkid) group  ts.id,           tsm.mappingtypeid,           tsm.maptoid,           tflk.trk_trackergroup_lkid,           tf.datestamp   

it functions 'parent' in sense grabs latest inserted data-set (using datestamp) every single child-group. necessary produce parent-report in ssrs report @ later time, @ moment problem (as mentioned above) execution time.

i'd hear if there suggestions on how decrease execution time whilst maintaining accuracy of query.

expected output:

enter image description here

without case this:

enter image description here

your problem condition cant use index

and tf.readyforwork = case  -- here problem                         when tf.trk_trackerstatus_lkid2 null 0                         else 1                       end 

try change

and ( tf.readyforwork = 0 , tf.trk_trackerstatus_lkid2 null     or tf.readyforwork = 1 , tf.trk_trackerstatus_lkid2 not null     ) 

but again should check explain analize test if query using index or not.


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