javascript - Table date column formatting with google apps script html service -

i having problems figuring out basic table formatting. hoping can see have , suggest way of changing outcome. google spreadsheet has 2 columns 'number' , 'date'.

my codegs looks

function doget() {   return htmlservice       .createtemplatefromfile('index')       .evaluate(); }  function getdata() {   return spreadsheetapp       .openbyid('1111111111111111111111')       .getactivesheet()       .getdatarange()       .getvalues();  }  

my index.html

<? var data = getdata(); ?> <!doctype html> <html> <style>  body {     font-family: arial;   }    table {     border: 1px solid #ccc;     width: 100%;     margin:0;     padding:0;     border-collapse: collapse;     border-spacing: 0;   }    table tr {     border: 1px solid #ddd;     padding: 5px;   }    table th, table td {     padding: 10px;     text-align: left;   }    table th {     text-transform: uppercase;     font-size: 14px;     letter-spacing: 1px;   }   </style>   <head>   </head>   <body> <table>    <thead>     <tr>       <th>number</th>       <th>date</th>     </tr>   </thead>           <? (var = 1; < data.length; i++) { ?>         <tr>           <? (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { ?>             <td><?= data[i][j] ?></td>           <? } ?>         </tr>       <? } ?>  </table>    </body> </html> 

when executed date column shows value 'mon dec 05 2016 00:00:00 gmt-0600 (cst)'

in spreadsheet , see '12/5/2016'

i hoping can show me how make work



this no means elegant solution control date format display use following:

var datestr = 'mon dec 05 2016 00:00:00 gmt-0600 (cst)';  function pad(n){   var pad = "";     if(n < 10){pad = "0" + n}else{pad = n};     return pad; }  function shortdate(datestring){    var d = new date(datestring);    var curr_date = d.getdate();   var curr_month = d.getmonth() + 1;//zero indexed   var curr_year = d.getfullyear();    var shortdate = pad(curr_date) + "/" + pad(curr_month) + "/" + curr_year;    return shortdate;   }   console.log(shortdate(datestr)); 

this code output uk format date, you'll want switch pad(curr_date) , pad(curr_month).

this mean have write table generating function replace way in table generated need handle date values independently.


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