Flash Notice Alert dismiss-able bootstrap and rails -- Cannot Delete flash notice -

i using emailer ruby on rails , has flash notice on completion. cannot seem delete bootstrap flash notice when press x button listed next flash notice. have tried jquery.

whenever put class close on button. button not show clicked. here of code. create.html.erb

<div>   <% flash.each |key, value| %>     <div class="alert-dismissible flash_notice" role="alert">      <button type="button"  data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">xxx<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>         <%= value %>     </div>   <% end %> </div> 

this contact controller emails me contact me form , renders flash notice

class contactscontroller < applicationcontroller   def new     @contact = contact.new   end    def create     @contact = contact.new(params[:contact])     @contact.request = request     if @contact.deliver       flash.now[:notice] = 'thank message. contact soon!'     else       flash.now[:error] = 'cannot send message.'       render :new     end   end end 

here of application.js code... messy , have tried of following , left them show have done far in attempts.

//= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require turbolinks //= require bootstrap-sprockets //= require_tree .   $('.delete_notice').click(function() {     $('.alert-dismissible').hide(); });  $('.delete_notice').click(function() {     $('.alert-dismissible').close(); });  $('.delete_notice').click(function() {     $('.flash_notice').hide(); });  $('.delete_notice').click(function() {     $('.delete_notice').close(); }); 


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