ios - ModuleName-Swift.h file not found in xcode8 -

i'm trying work on mixed swift , objectivec project no luck.

my project made of 6 targets:

  • app
  • core
  • coretest
  • summary
  • watchkit extension
  • watchkit app

i've been able add swift class has 1 target membership (app) , uses objectivec code passing app-bridging-header.h "objectivec swift code" paradigm works charm.

instead, i'm struggling "swift objectivec code" paradigm. in specific case need use new swift class inside objectivec .m file member of 4 targets.

what i've been doing far this:

  1. add new swift file core project specifying 4 memberships (app, core, summary, watchkit ext)
  2. xcode asks create -bridging-header.h 3 projects core, summary , watchkit ext (app-bridging-header.h exists since used previously), , consent (don't know why creates files inside same group folder add swift class nevermind)
  3. i create swift class adding @objc key before class
  4. i go check if objective-c generated interface header name set modules, , yes is
  5. i go check if defines module set no in modules , set yes in main project, , yes is
  6. i write down imports -swift.h files 4 targets
  7. inside objective-c class try use new swift class, apparently seems work (even autocompletion)
  8. i try build project fails saying -swift.h file not found

i've followed mix , match guide of apple , many threads including this one seems apparently address same problem of mine doesn't work.

also have seen this , this didn't work.

have tried delete derived data cleaning whole project several times no luck.

edit 1 : more details

this declaration of swift class import realmswift

@objc class myclass: object {} 

this snippet of usage of swift class inside objectivec

myclass *app = [[myclass alloc] init]; 

if avoid using #import ...-swift.h build fails saying i'm making use of undeclared idenfier "myclass" , sound.

if use #import ...-swift.h files says module x cannot find module y , on.

edit 2 : swift module name

by looking @ swift_objc_interface_header_name property of each target i've seen built using syntax $(swift_module_name)-swift.h need change swift_module_name module_name?

edit 3 : imports

this set of imports swift headers in .m objectivec file. i'm using module names specified in relative build settings properties. notice 1 has '_' character since watchkit extension target has space in target name.

#import "projectname_app-swift.h" #import "projectname_core-swift.h" #import "projectname_summary-swift.h" #import "projectname_watchkit_extension-swift.h" 

edit 4 : cross visibility of -swift.h files

i've tryed following:

  • added swift class in target app
  • xcode created bridging header
  • inserted #import "projectname_app-swift.h" in objectivec file used app
  • made use of swift class inside file
  • it compiles! , i'm able use swift class

when swift class defined multiple targets , objectivec file used multiple targets doesn't work. build errors this: target x -> "projectname_targety-swift.h" file not found. seems target cannot see other targets -swift.h files.

what doing wrong? help

the assumption made in edit 4 turned out correct one. if project has multiple targets "-swift.h" files cannot imported in 1 .m objectivec file.

so there 1 solution must adopted , change swift_objc_interface_header_name build setting , making same across different targets. change instruction generates property $(swift_module_name)-swift.h $(project_name)-swift.h explained here

it possible set product module name setting in build settings same across modules (i set $(project_name)), -swift.h file generated has same name across modules. eliminates need adding/checking preprocessor macros.

after doing clean build folder pressing alt , going product menu. since name of header shared among targets can imported once in .m objectivec file , targets can benefit swift classes.

if after building still shows error, ensure header can reached xcode cmd clicking on name. should open file contains code similar this:

swift_class("_ttc27projectname_summary11myclass") @interface myclass : nsobject - (nonnull instancetype)init objc_designated_initializer; @end 

if need ensure headers being generated open terminal , use command

find ~/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata -name "*swift.h" 

you should see 1 header each target

another issue happened me after changes started giving errors on objectivec code didn't touch. problem due position of import, reported here:

exactly @ top of .m file #import hidden bridging header can make difference. usual sign of trouble “unknown type name” compile error, unknown type class declared in objective-c. solution #import .h file containing declaration unknown type in objective-c files well, before #import hidden bridging header. having can annoyance, if objective-c file in question has no need know class, resolves issue , allows compilation proceed.

at end code compiles , runs on device , simulator!


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