r - Multiple traces not working in plot_geo -

i trying create scattergeo map using r plotly package version 4.5.2. geographic scope new south wales (australia) , need include district boundaries within state, cannot use 1 of existing plotly geo scopes.

my attempted work around plot district boundaries using add_paths() (applied data frame boundary info), , overlay scatter data using add_markers(inherit = false) (to different data frame). however, final result not render many of desired visual attributes markers (e.g. marker colors grey [as per boundary lines], rather green , blue, , sizes attributes ignored). see first screen shot.

but when remove add_paths() plot pipeline, markers rendered perfectly. see second screen shot.

any suggestions how can make work? reproducible code simplified data frames below. session info below.

plotly screenshot - grey boundaries markers rendered incorrectly

plotly screenshot - markers rendered correctly no boundaries

library(plotly)  # data "scatter bubbles" dat <- data.frame(   aviation_id = c("ayam", "bbax", "bddx", "begx", "bell", "cbmr"),   latitude = c(-29.4333, -37.0016, -35.4253, -36.6722, -34.3691, -35.9371),   longitude = c( 153.3633, 149.2336, 149.7835, 149.8191, 150.9291, 148.3779),   rmse = c(1.303055, 2.114968, 2.459223, 2.841459, 1.238029, 2.125925),   rmse_group = c("[1,2)", "[2,3)", "[2,3)", "[2,3)", "[1,2)", "[2,3)"),   tooltip_label = c("ayam<br>rmse: 1.3",  "bbax<br>rmse: 2.11", "bddx<br>rmse: 2.46",                     "begx<br>rmse: 2.84", "bell<br>rmse: 1.24", "cbmr<br>rmse: 2.13") )  # district boundaries boundaries <- data.frame(   district = c("nsw_01", "nsw_01", "nsw_01", "nsw_01", "nsw_01", "nsw_02", "nsw_02", "nsw_02", "nsw_02"),   lat = c(-29, -32, -32.5, -29, -29, -37, -35, -34, -37),   lon = c(153.5, 153, 150.5, 150, 153.5, 149, 148, 151, 149) )  # geo layout lat_range <- c(-38, -27.5) lon_range <- c(140, 155) g1 <- list(   showcoastlines = false,   lonaxis = list(     showgrid = true,     gridwidth = 0.5,     range = lon_range,     dtick = 5   ),   lataxis = list(     showgrid = true,     gridwidth = 0.5,     range = lat_range,     dtick = 5   ) )  # scatter marker attributes rmse_markers <- list(   line = list(color = "black", opacity = .7, width = 1.75),   opacity = .8,   sizemode = "diameter" )  # plot plot_geo() %>%   add_paths(data = boundaries, x = ~lon, y = ~lat, color = ~district,             colors = c("grey", "grey"),             line = list(width = 2),              showlegend = false) %>%   add_markers(data = dat, x = ~longitude, y = ~latitude, color = ~rmse_group,               colors = c("[0,1)" = "yellow", "[1,2)" = "green", "[2,3)" = "blue", "[3,infty)" = "red"),               size = ~rmse, sizes= 8*c(min(dat$rmse),max(dat$rmse)), marker = rmse_markers,               text = ~tooltip_label, hoverinfo = "text",               inherit = false) %>%   layout(geo = g1) 

note: in older version of plotly able work, have tried in v4.5.2 without luck.

session info:

> sessioninfo() r version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) running under: windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)  locale: [1] lc_collate=english_australia.1252  lc_ctype=english_australia.1252    lc_monetary=english_australia.1252 [4] lc_numeric=c                       lc_time=english_australia.1252      attached base packages: [1] stats     graphics  grdevices utils     datasets  methods   base       other attached packages: [1] plotly_4.5.2  ggplot2_2.1.0  loaded via namespace (and not attached):  [1] rcpp_0.12.6       tidyr_0.6.0       viridislite_0.1.3 digest_0.6.10     dplyr_0.5.0       assertthat_0.1    grid_3.3.1         [8] plyr_1.8.4        r6_2.1.2          jsonlite_1.0      gtable_0.2.0      dbi_0.4-1         magrittr_1.5      scales_0.4.0      [15] httr_1.2.1        lazyeval_0.2.0    tools_3.3.1       htmlwidgets_0.7   purrr_0.2.2       munsell_0.4.3     yaml_2.1.13       [22] base64enc_0.1-3   colorspace_1.2-6  htmltools_0.3.5   tibble_1.1 

the problem fixed specifying scales when initiating object.

i posted simplified example of issue on github, answered cpsievert:



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