ios - THREAD WARNING - phonegap -

thread warning: ['notification'] took '1153.449951' ms. plugin should use background thread. how solve? me please!

cordova's official documentation states that:

if plugin requires great deal of processing or requires blocking call, should use background thread.

use code this:

- (void)mypluginmethod:(cdvinvokedurlcommand*)command {     // check command.arguments here.     [self.commanddelegate runinbackground:^{         nsstring* payload = nil;         // blocking logic...         cdvpluginresult* pluginresult = [cdvpluginresult resultwithstatus:cdvcommandstatus_ok messageasstring:payload];         // sendpluginresult method thread-safe.         [self.commanddelegate sendpluginresult:pluginresult callbackid:command.callbackid];     }]; } 


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