silverlight - using lightswitch how to adjust the dimension of the inner list in the student card? -

i want adjust white area inside student card in application it's not cut.

enter image description here

here screen structure enter image description here

here post render code.

/// <reference path="~/generatedartifacts/viewmodel.js" />  myapp.browsestudentsset.searchstudentsset_postrender = function (element, contentitem) {     // write code here.  }; myapp.browsestudentsset.students_postrender = function (element, contentitem) { }; myapp.browsestudentsset.studentgroup_postrender = function (element, contentitem) {     // write code here.     $(element).addclass("student-name"); }; myapp.browsestudentsset.rows_postrender = function (element, contentitem) {     // write code here.  }; myapp.browsestudentsset.takecoursegroup_postrender = function (element, contentitem) {     // write code here.     $(element).addclass("course-name"); }; myapp.browsestudentsset.takestemplate_postrender = function (element, contentitem) {     // write code here.     $(element).addclass("course-list-name"); }; 


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