ios - How to dismiss the UIAlertview on the click of UIViewController or on the UIScrollView in objective c -

i new in ios , facing problem regarding dismiss uialertview. showing image in uialertview , using long press gesture call alertview. code this

imagename.userinteractionenabled=yes;     uilongpressgesturerecognizer *longpressgesturerecognizer = [[uilongpressgesturerecognizer alloc] init];     [longpressgesturerecognizer addtarget:self action:@selector(imglongpressed:)];     longpressgesturerecognizer.delegate = self;     [imagename addgesturerecognizer: longpressgesturerecognizer];  - (void) imglongpressed:(uilongpressgesturerecognizer*)sender {     uiimageview *imageview = [[uiimageview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 200, 282)];     uiimage *wonimage = imagename.image;     imageview.contentmode=uiviewcontentmodecenter;     [imageview setimage:wonimage];     alertview = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@""                                                         message:@""                                                        delegate:self                                               cancelbuttontitle:nil                                               otherbuttontitles:@"ok", nil];     //check if os version 7 or above     if (floor(nsfoundationversionnumber) > nsfoundationversionnumber_ios_6_1) {         [alertview setvalue:imageview forkey:@"accessoryview"];     }else{         [alertview addsubview:imageview];     }     [alertview show];     [self performselector:@selector(dismiss:) withobject:alertview afterdelay:1.0]; }   -(void)dismiss:(uialertview*)alert {     [alert dismisswithclickedbuttonindex:-1 animated:yes]; } 

this code give me output image

enter image description here

i need dismiss uialertview on touch of uiviewcontroller or uiscrollview.

uialertview depreciated. not advised use depreciated elements since might cause problems latest versions of ios. given functionality, think it's better use thirdparty alertviews one:


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