Change setView dynamically according to select box in R shiny app -
i'm developing leaflet map in r shiny. in app want focus of map changed whenever lng , lat value in setview()
changed. lng , lat values based on country select drop down box. use static value lng , lat in ifelse()
function , app works. problem when want make things more generic: lng , lat mean of longitude , latitude subset of data chosen country, app doesn't show map anymore (from point of view calculation seems right)
below simplified , workable r script:
library(devtools) library(leaflet) library(htmlwidgets) library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(sp) library(rworldmap) library(rcurl) library(ggmap) df <- read.csv(url(""), header = t, stringsasfactors = f) df$time <-$time, "%d/%m/%y")
header <- dashboardheader( title = 'shiny memery' ) body <- dashboardbody( fluidrow( tabbox( tabpanel("my map", leafletoutput("mymap",height = 550)), width = 700 )) ) dashboardpage( header, dashboardsidebar( sliderinput('timeline value','time line',min = min(df$time), max = max(df$time), value = c(min(df$time), min(df$time)+10)), selectinput("select_country", label = "select country", choices = null, selected = null) ), body )
shinyserver(function(input, output, session) { dfs <- reactive({ tmp <- subset(df, df$time <= input$`timeline value`[2] & df$time >= input$`timeline value`[1]) tmp }) part_choices <- reactive({ as.list(c("all", unique(as.character(dfs()$country)))) }) observe({ updateselectinput(session, "select_country", choices=part_choices()) }) output$mymap <- renderleaflet({ lng <- ifelse(input$select_country == "all", mean(dfs()$lon), mean(subset(dfs(), country %in% input$select_country)$lon) ) lat <- ifelse(input$select_country == "all", mean(dfs()$lat), mean(subset(dfs(), country %in% input$select_country)$lat) ) m <- leaflet(dfs()) %>% addtiles( ) %>% setview(lng, lat, zoom = 5) %>% addmarkers(~lon, ~lat, clusteroptions = markerclusteroptions()) }) })
you see in server.r part use ifelse()
change lng , lat value later can used in setview()
function. after changed else argument calculation app doesn't work anymore.
really appreciate if can tell me wrong.
thanks in advance.
in ui.r
, try changing country input to
selectinput("select_country", label = "select country", choices = "all", selected = "all")
my guess ifelse
s not return number, given input$select_country
initialized @ null
, (for reasons unclear me) causes both renderleaflet
, updateselectinput
not run, preventing country selector being updated.
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