java - Two-way SSL communication with Tomcat -

a provider our system works has given certificate named mm_base64.cer. our keystore mitkeystore. using our keystore this:

<connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.http11nioprotocol"               maxthreads="150" sslenabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true"               clientauth="false" sslprotocol="tls" keystorefile="path\mitkeystore" keystorepass="ourpass" /> 

we imported key our jdk , jvm this:

keytool -import -file "path\mm_base64.cer" -keystore "c:\program files\java\jre7\lib\security\cacerts" 

still, handshake problem occurs.

i looking @ this question. looks complicated. our issue complicated theirs? there easy way our system work provider's system?

i might wrong on one, think have import provider's certificate trust store. see here description of keystore vs trustore. have point tomcat trust store file in http connector config block inside server.xml.

the idea when ssl handshake occurs provider presents certificate , know if trusted or not tomcat uses truststore find information on certificate or certification authorities.


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