node.js - NodeJS + Wordpress on Apache -

i have instance on google cloud , want migrate apps it. using apache host wordpress page @ path: my_ip/wordpressapp.

now want host nodejs app in apache too. configured proxy in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

<virtualhost *:80>     # allow .htaccess     <directory /var/www/html/>             options indexes followsymlinks multiviews             allowoverride             order allow,deny             allow     </directory>     #setup proxy nodejs app     proxyrequests off     proxypreservehost on     proxyvia full     <proxy *>             require granted     </proxy>     <location /nodeapp>             proxypass             proxypassreverse     </location>     loglevel warn     serveradmin webmaster@localhost     documentroot /var/www/html     errorlog ${apache_log_dir}/error.log     customlog ${apache_log_dir}/access.log combined </virtualhost> 

when run nodejs app, if go address: my_ip:8080, ok. when go through apache: my_ip/nodeapp, apache can't recognize files, return 404 error. try files my_ip/file_path instead of my_ip:8080/file_path.

so can me re-config apache?


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