codeigniter - php excel reader date format getting 1970-01-30 for any input date given in excel sheet -

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i'am getting date format 1970-01-30 input date given date in excel

there 2 fields having date format cells date given in excel showing 1970-01-30 output in echo

please can 1 me

this code   public function clientfileupload($list_id){     $clientarr = array('client_name','client_nick_name', 'client_email','client_phone','client_address','client_location','contract_name','contract_description','contract_value','renewal_date','expiry_date','payment_mode');     $this->load->library('phpexcel');     $name = $_files["images"]["name"];     $filetype = explode(".",$name);     $name = str_replace(' ', '',$name. "_" . time());     $abs = getcwd();     $path = $abs . "/upload/excelfiles/";     $pathfile = $path . $name;     if (move_uploaded_file($_files["images"]["tmp_name"], $path . $name))     if($filetype[1] == 'xlsx')     {         $objreader = phpexcel_iofactory::createreader('excel2007');         $objreader->setreaddataonly(true);         $objphpexcel = $objreader->load($pathfile);         $objworksheet = $objphpexcel->getactivesheet();         $highestrow = $objworksheet->gethighestrow();         $highestcolumn = $objworksheet->gethighestcolumn(); // e.g 'f'          $highestcolumnindex = phpexcel_cell::columnindexfromstring($highestcolumn);     }     else      {         $objphpexcel = phpexcel_iofactory::load($pathfile);         $objworksheet = $objphpexcel->getactivesheet();         $highestrow = $objworksheet->gethighestrow();         $highestcolumn = $objworksheet->gethighestcolumn(); // e.g 'f'          $highestcolumnindex = phpexcel_cell::columnindexfromstring($highestcolumn);     }     $notinserted = array();     ($row = 1; $row <= $highestrow; ++$row)      {         $arr = array();         ($col = 0; $col <= $highestcolumnindex - 1; ++$col)          {              if($col == 9 || $col == 10)             {                 $rowname = date('y-m-d', phpexcel_shared_date::exceltophp($objworksheet->getcellbycolumnandrow($col, $row)->getvalue()));             }else             {                 $rowname =  $objworksheet->getcellbycolumnandrow($col, $row)->getvalue();             }             if ($row != 1)              {                 $arr[$clientarr[$col]] = $rowname;             }         }              }     print_r($arr);exit;                echo true;     exit; } 

can 1 me thank in advance


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