c# - How to get namespace from datacontract type and type from namespace? -

i want support own metadata queries in wcf service , need exchange data contract type information clients.

for example, service contract allows client select data contract usedatacontract operation based on getmostuseddatacontracttype result:

[servicecontract] [serviceknowntype("getknowntypes", typeof(knowntypesprovider))] public interface imetadataservice {     [operationcontract]     string getmostuseddatacontracttype();      [operationcontract]     void usedatacontract(object arg); } 

i understand clr type information not since clients has own assemblies , runtimes.

wsdl namespaces way go. , there 2 problems solve:

  • how namespace exposed in wsdl datacontract's type, considering wcf data annotations , conventions (for example, don't use attributes , have tempuri everywhere)?
  • how namespaces can transformed types on client side?

since wcf work internally beleive there's easy solution avaible, can't find it.


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