php - Check if user have permission or not to download any file in WooCommerce -

i want check whether user have permission or not download file. have product id , user id how can check?

i have explored lot on google , in woocommerce documentation didn't find solution.

any help?

thanks in advance.

here process information can use in function or hooked function in php files.

here code:

// current customer orders $customer_orders = wc_get_orders( $args = array(     'numberposts' => -1,     'meta_key'    => '_customer_user',     'meta_value'  => get_current_user_id(),// current user id     'post_status' => array_keys(wc_get_order_statuses()), ) );  // different loops downloadable products bought user foreach ( $customer_orders $customer_order ){     if (!empty($customer_orders)){         foreach ( $customer_orders $customer_order ){             if( !$customer_order->has_downloadable_item() && $customer_order->is_paid() ){                 foreach( $customer_order->get_items() $item ){                     $item_id = $item['product_id']; // product id                      // downloadable items below                     if($item->is_download_permitted()) {                         // because download permitted                           // can use different methods on $customer_product object:                         // downloadbles files (array):                         $downloadable_files_array = get_item_downloads( $item );                         // display download links order item.                         $display_item_downloads = display_item_downloads( $item );                         // download url of given $download_id                         // $download_url  = get_download_url($item_id, $download_id )                      } else {                         // because download not permitted                     }                 }             }         }     } } 

code goes in php file of active child theme (or theme) or in plugin php files.

this tested , functional.

reference: wc_abstract_order class - methods


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