java - ANTLR doesn't give correct output tokens for Scala Grammar -


i new scala , trying parse scala files use of scala grammar , antlr. below code scala grammar got git hub link:

there chances of repo moved pasting scala grammar code here:

grammar scala;  literal           : '-'? integerliteral                 | '-'? floatingpointliteral                 | booleanliteral                 | characterliteral                 | stringliteral                 | symbolliteral                 | 'null' ;  qualid            : id ('.' id)* ;  ids               : id (',' id)* ;  stableid          : (id | (id '.')? 'this') '.' id                 | (id '.')? 'super' classqualifier? '.' id ;  classqualifier    : '[' id ']' ;  type              : functionargtypes '=>' type                 | infixtype existentialclause? ;  functionargtypes  : infixtype                 | '(' ( paramtype (',' paramtype )* )? ')' ;  existentialclause : 'forsome' '{' existentialdcl (semi existentialdcl)* '}';  existentialdcl    : 'type' typedcl                 | 'val' valdcl;  infixtype         : compoundtype (id nl? compoundtype)*;  compoundtype      : annottype ('with' annottype)* refinement?                 | refinement;  annottype         : simpletype annotation*;  simpletype        : simpletype typeargs                 | simpletype '#' id                 | stableid                 | (stableid | (id '.')? 'this') '.' 'type'                 | '(' types ')';  typeargs          : '[' types ']';  types             : type (',' type)*;  refinement        : nl? '{' refinestat (semi refinestat)* '}';  refinestat        : dcl                 | 'type' typedef                 | ;  typepat           : type;  ascription        : ':' infixtype                 | ':' annotation+                 | ':' '_' '*';  expr              : (bindings | 'implicit'? id | '_') '=>' expr                 | expr1 ;  expr1             : 'if' '(' expr ')' nl* expr (semi? 'else' expr)?                 | 'while' '(' expr ')' nl* expr                 | 'try' ('{' block '}' | expr) ('catch' '{' caseclauses '}')? ('finally' expr)?                 | 'do' expr semi? 'while' '(' expr ')'                 | 'for' ('(' enumerators ')' | '{' enumerators '}') nl* 'yield'? expr                 | 'throw' expr                 | 'return' expr?                 | (('new' (classtemplate | templatebody)| blockexpr | simpleexpr1 '_'?) '.') id '=' expr                 | simpleexpr1 argumentexprs '=' expr                 | postfixexpr                 | postfixexpr ascription                 | postfixexpr 'match' '{' caseclauses '}' ;  postfixexpr       : infixexpr (id nl?)? ;  infixexpr         : prefixexpr                 | infixexpr id nl? infixexpr ;  prefixexpr        : ('-' | '+' | '~' | '!')?                   ('new' (classtemplate | templatebody)| blockexpr | simpleexpr1 '_'?) ;  simpleexpr1       : literal                 | stableid                 | (id '.')? 'this'                 | '_'                 | '(' exprs? ')'                 | ('new' (classtemplate | templatebody) | blockexpr ) '.' id                 | ('new' (classtemplate | templatebody) | blockexpr ) typeargs                 | simpleexpr1 argumentexprs       ;  exprs             : expr (',' expr)* ;  argumentexprs     : '(' exprs? ')'                 | '(' (exprs ',')? postfixexpr ':' '_' '*' ')'                 | nl? blockexpr ;  blockexpr         : '{' caseclauses '}'                 | '{' block '}' ; block             : blockstat (semi blockstat)* resultexpr? ;  blockstat         : import_                 | annotation* ('implicit' | 'lazy')? def                 | annotation* localmodifier* tmpldef                 | expr1                 | ;  resultexpr        : expr1                 | (bindings | ('implicit'? id | '_') ':' compoundtype) '=>' block ;  enumerators       : generator (semi generator)* ;  generator         : pattern1 '<-' expr (semi? guard | semi pattern1 '=' expr)* ;  caseclauses       : caseclause+ ;  caseclause        : 'case' pattern guard? '=>' block ;  guard             : 'if' postfixexpr ;  pattern           : pattern1 ('|' pattern1 )* ;  pattern1          : varid ':' typepat                 | '_' ':' typepat                 | pattern2 ;  pattern2          : varid ('@' pattern3)?                 | pattern3 ;  pattern3          : simplepattern                 | simplepattern (id nl? simplepattern)* ;  simplepattern     : '_'                 | varid                 | literal                 | stableid ('(' patterns ')')?                 | stableid '(' (patterns ',')? (varid '@')? '_' '*' ')'                 | '(' patterns? ')' ;  patterns          : pattern (',' patterns)*                 | '_' * ;  typeparamclause   : '[' varianttypeparam (',' varianttypeparam)* ']' ;  funtypeparamclause: '[' typeparam (',' typeparam)* ']' ;  varianttypeparam  : annotation? ('+' | '-')? typeparam ;  typeparam         : (id | '_') typeparamclause? ('>:' type)? ('<:' type)?                   ('<%' type)* (':' type)* ;  paramclauses      : paramclause* (nl? '(' 'implicit' params ')')? ;  paramclause       : nl? '(' params? ')' ;  params            : param (',' param)* ;  param             : annotation* id (':' paramtype)? ('=' expr)? ;  paramtype         : type                 | '=>' type                 | type '*';  classparamclauses : classparamclause*                   (nl? '(' 'implicit' classparams ')')? ;  classparamclause  : nl? '(' classparams? ')' ;  classparams       : classparam (',' classparam)* ;  classparam        : annotation* modifier* ('val' | 'var')?                   id ':' paramtype ('=' expr)? ;  bindings          : '(' binding (',' binding )* ')' ;  binding           : (id | '_') (':' type)? ;  modifier          : localmodifier                 | accessmodifier                 | 'override' ;  localmodifier     : 'abstract'                 | 'final'                 | 'sealed'                 | 'implicit'                 | 'lazy' ;  accessmodifier    : ('private' | 'protected') accessqualifier? ;  accessqualifier   : '[' (id | 'this') ']' ;  annotation        : '@' simpletype argumentexprs* ;  constrannotation  : '@' simpletype argumentexprs ;  templatebody      : nl? '{' selftype? templatestat (semi templatestat)* '}' ;  templatestat      : import_                 | (annotation nl?)* modifier* def                 | (annotation nl?)* modifier* dcl                 |  expr                 | ;  selftype          : id (':' type)? '=>'                 | 'this' ':' type '=>' ;  import_           : 'import' importexpr (',' importexpr)* ;  importexpr        : stableid '.' (id | '_' | importselectors) ;  importselectors   : '{' (importselector ',')* (importselector | '_') '}' ;  importselector    : id ('=>' id | '=>' '_') ;  dcl               : 'val' valdcl                 | 'var' vardcl                 | 'def' fundcl                 | 'type' nl* typedcl ;  valdcl            : ids ':' type ;  vardcl            : ids ':' type ;  fundcl            : funsig (':' type)? ;  funsig            : id funtypeparamclause? paramclauses ;  typedcl           : id typeparamclause? ('>:' type)? ('<:' type)? ;  patvardef         : 'val' patdef                 | 'var' vardef ;  def               : patvardef                 | 'def' fundef                 | 'type' nl* typedef                 | tmpldef ;  patdef            : pattern2 (',' pattern2)* (':' type)* '=' expr ;  vardef            : patdef                 | ids ':' type '=' '_' ;  fundef            : funsig (':' type)? '=' expr                 | funsig nl? '{' block '}'                 | 'this' paramclause paramclauses                   ('=' constrexpr | nl constrblock) ;  typedef           :  id typeparamclause? '=' type ;  tmpldef           : 'case'? 'class' classdef                 | 'case' 'object' objectdef                 | 'trait' traitdef ;  classdef          : id typeparamclause? constrannotation* accessmodifier?                   classparamclauses classtemplateopt ;  traitdef          : id typeparamclause? traittemplateopt ;  objectdef         : id classtemplateopt ;  classtemplateopt  : 'extends' classtemplate | ('extends'? templatebody)? ;  traittemplateopt  : 'extends' traittemplate | ('extends'? templatebody)? ;  classtemplate     : earlydefs? classparents templatebody? ;  traittemplate     : earlydefs? traitparents templatebody? ;  classparents      : constr ('with' annottype)* ;  traitparents      : annottype ('with' annottype)* ;  constr            : annottype argumentexprs* ;  earlydefs         : '{' (earlydef (semi earlydef)*)? '}' 'with' ;  earlydef          : (annotation nl?)* modifier* patvardef ;  constrexpr        : selfinvocation                 | constrblock ;  constrblock       : '{' selfinvocation (semi blockstat)* '}' ; selfinvocation    : 'this' argumentexprs+ ;  topstatseq        : topstat (semi topstat)* ;  topstat           : (annotation nl?)* modifier* tmpldef                 | import_                 | packaging                 | packageobject                 | ;  packaging         : 'package' qualid nl? '{' topstatseq '}' ;  packageobject     : 'package' 'object' objectdef ;  compilationunit   : ('package' qualid semi)* topstatseq ;  // lexer booleanliteral   :  'true' | 'false'; characterliteral :  '\'' (printablechar | charescapeseq) '\''; stringliteral    :  '"' stringelement* '"'                |  '"""' multilinechars '"""'; symbolliteral    :  '\'' plainid; integerliteral   :  (decimalnumeral | hexnumeral) ('l' | 'l'); floatingpointliteral                :  digit+ '.' digit+ exponentpart? floattype?                |  '.' digit+ exponentpart? floattype?                |  digit exponentpart floattype?                |  digit+ exponentpart? floattype; id               :  plainid                |  '`' stringliteral '`'; varid            :  lower idrest; nl               :  '\r'? '\n'; semi             :  ';' |  nl+;  paren            :  '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}'; delim            :  '`' | '\'' | '"' | '.' | ';' | ',' ;  comment          :  '/*' .*?  '*/'                |  '//' .*? nl;  // fragments fragment unicodeescape    : '\\' 'u' 'u'? hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit ; fragment whitespace       :  '\u0020' | '\u0009' | '\u000d' | '\u000a'; fragment opchar           : printablechar // printablechar not matched (whitespace | upper | lower |                         // letter | digit | paren | delim | opchar | unicode_sm | unicode_so)                         ; fragment op               :  opchar+; fragment plainid          :  upper idrest                         |  varid                         |  op; fragment idrest           :  (letter | digit)* ('_' op)?;  fragment stringelement    :  '\u0020'| '\u0021'|'\u0023' .. '\u007f'  // (printablechar  except '"')                         |  charescapeseq; fragment multilinechars   :  ('"'? '"'? .*?)* '"'*;  fragment hexdigit         :  '0' .. '9'  |  'a' .. 'z'  |  'a' .. 'z' ; fragment floattype        :  'f' | 'f' | 'd' | 'd'; fragment upper            :  'a'  ..  'z' | '$' | '_';  // , unicode category lu fragment lower            :  'a' .. 'z'; // , unicode category ll fragment letter           :  upper | lower; // , unicode categories lo, lt, nl fragment exponentpart     :  ('e' | 'e') ('+' | '-')? digit+; fragment printablechar    : '\u0020' .. '\u007f' ; fragment charescapeseq    : '\\' ('b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '"' | '\'' | '\\'); fragment decimalnumeral   :  '0' | nonzerodigit digit*; fragment hexnumeral       :  '0' 'x' hexdigit hexdigit+; fragment digit            :  '0' | nonzerodigit; fragment nonzerodigit     :  '1' .. '9'; 

the above scala grammar same got scala official website:

now trying generate tokens scala file named scala.scala. code file below :

object helloworld {   def main(args: array[string]) {     println("hello, world!")   } } 

i running following command tokens :

grun scala compilationunit -tokens scala.scala


grun scala expr -tokens scala.scala


grun scala literal -tokens scala.scala

the output got is:

[@0,0:18='object helloworld {',<68>,1:0] [@1,19:19='\n',<70>,1:19] [@2,20:52='  def main(args: array[string]) {',<68>,2:0] [@3,53:53='\n',<70>,2:33] [@4,54:81='    println("hello, world!")',<68>,3:0] [@5,82:82='\n',<70>,3:28] [@6,83:85='  }',<68>,4:0] [@7,86:86='\n',<70>,4:3] [@8,87:87='}',<14>,5:0] [@9,88:88='\n',<70>,5:1] [@10,89:88='<eof>',<-1>,6:0] line 1:19 no viable alternative @ input 'object helloworld {\n' 

output in tree form :

(expr object helloworld { \n   def main(args: array[string]) { \n     println("hello, world!") \n   } \n } \n) 

and output in gui :

image exported antlr tool

that stupid. :( in place of tokens it's giving me loc . tested other languages java , c , works perfect. gives me correct output/correct tokens expected following grammar links:

please , please correct me if doing wrong because new antlr , scala.

what meant token keywords,operands , operators there.according me it's never meant loc(lines of code :() cheers !!

below scala.tokens file got using scala.g4(scala grammar antlr).    t__0=1 t__1=2 t__2=3 t__3=4 t__4=5 t__5=6 t__6=7 t__7=8 t__8=9 t__9=10 t__10=11 t__11=12 t__12=13 t__13=14 t__14=15 t__15=16 t__16=17 t__17=18 t__18=19 t__19=20 t__20=21 t__21=22 t__22=23 t__23=24 t__24=25 t__25=26 t__26=27 t__27=28 t__28=29 t__29=30 t__30=31 t__31=32 t__32=33 t__33=34 t__34=35 t__35=36 t__36=37 t__37=38 t__38=39 t__39=40 t__40=41 t__41=42 t__42=43 t__43=44 t__44=45 t__45=46 t__46=47 t__47=48 t__48=49 t__49=50 t__50=51 t__51=52 t__52=53 t__53=54 t__54=55 t__55=56 t__56=57 t__57=58 t__58=59 t__59=60 t__60=61 booleanliteral=62 characterliteral=63 stringliteral=64 symbolliteral=65 integerliteral=66 floatingpointliteral=67 id=68 varid=69 nl=70 semi=71 paren=72 delim=73 comment=74 '-'=1 'null'=2 '.'=3 ','=4 'this'=5 'super'=6 '['=7 ']'=8 '=>'=9 '('=10 ')'=11 'forsome'=12 '{'=13 '}'=14 'type'=15 'val'=16 'with'=17 '#'=18 ':'=19 '_'=20 '*'=21 'implicit'=22 'if'=23 'else'=24 'while'=25 'try'=26 'catch'=27 'finally'=28 'do'=29 'for'=30 'yield'=31 'throw'=32 'return'=33 'new'=34 '='=35 'match'=36 '+'=37 '~'=38 '!'=39 'lazy'=40 '<-'=41 'case'=42 '|'=43 '@'=44 '>:'=45 '<:'=46 '<%'=47 'var'=48 'override'=49 'abstract'=50 'final'=51 'sealed'=52 'private'=53 'protected'=54 'import'=55 'def'=56 'class'=57 'object'=58 'trait'=59 'extends'=60 'package'=61 

i sure these tokens not correct. can make sure problem scala gramma or antlr?


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