windows - How to detect which screen is the OSVR headset? -

i have wpf+sharpdx windows application displays osvr hdk via fullscreen window on screen hdk. setup works well, requires users state screen hdk on.

i have automatically detected, haven't seen in api on screen headset.

currently render in window:

var bounds = dxgidevice.adapter.outputs[_selectedoutput].description.desktopbounds; form.desktopbounds = new system.drawing.rectangle(     bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); 

and _selectedoutputis thing i'm looking for.

i don't support direct mode @ time , i'm using managed-osvr. application run on windows 8/8.1/10.

it's been while since coded osvr, here's remember: if you're running in extended mode, osvr treated regular display. can rearrange other screen. output location can configured in osvr config file. used following (java) retrieve position , size set window:

osvrcontext.getrendermanagerconfig().getxposition() osvrcontext.getrendermanagerconfig().getyposition() osvrcontext.getdisplayparameters().getresolution(0).getwidth() osvrcontext.getdisplayparameters().getresolution(0).getheight() 

to clarify: don't know if can retrieve id of display in extended mode. know, it's defined position , size on desktop. hope helps you, somewhat.


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