java - How to rotate images in circular path like this in blogger dynamic view template -

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how rotate images in circular path in blogger dynamic view template , when click image in circular path should open specified link

i'm not 100% sure blogger dynamic view template is, if can write custom css3 + html tags, following code should suffice.

screenshot first: spinning image clickable parts

what rotating image infinite times while make every circle icon of image clickable. :

<html> <head>     <style type="text/css">         @keyframes myfirst         {             {transform: rotate(0deg);}             {transform: rotate(360deg);}         }          img {             animation-name: myfirst;             animation-duration: 5s;             animation-timing-function: linear;             animation-delay: 0s;             animation-iteration-count: infinite;             animation-direction: normal;             animation-play-state: running;         }     </style>  </head> <body>     <img src="pic.png" usemap ="#planetmap"/>     <map name="planetmap">       <area shape="circle" coords="67,95,40" href=""/>       <area shape="circle" coords="177,60,40" href=""/>       <area shape="circle" coords="244,150,40" href=""/>       <area shape="circle" coords="69,211,40" href=""/>       <area shape="circle" coords="180,247,40" href=""/>     </map> </body> </html> 

special note: please go mdn compatibility information, css3 has not stabilized.


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