python - Data type for numpy.random -

why following numpy.random command not return array data type of 'int' understand should happen documentation.

import numpy  b = numpy.random.randint(1,100,10,dtype='int')  type(b[1])  class 'numpy.int64' 

i can't change type using .astype() either.

numpy uses it's own int types, since python (3) int can of arbitrary size. in other words, can't have array of python ints, best can object dtype. observe:

in [6]: x = np.array([1,2,3],dtype=np.dtype('o'))  in [7]: x[0] out[7]: 1  in [8]: type(x[0]) out[8]: int  in [9]: x2 = np.array([1,2,3],dtype=int)  in [10]: x2 out[10]: array([1, 2, 3])  in [11]: x2[0] out[11]: 1  in [12]: type(x2[0]) out[12]: numpy.int64 


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