javascript - Filter results from API with angularjs -

i receiving data api in angular , trying filter result hotels min_price less example 50$!

$http.get($rootscope.baseurl + 'api/hotels/', {         params: {             page_size: $scope.page_size,             page: $,             goingto: goingto,             ordering: $scope.sortby,             star: $,             min_price: ????         }}).then(         function(data, status, headers, config) {             $ =;             $scope.count =;             $scope.loading = false;             pageservice.setcontentready();         },         function(data, status, headers, config) {             $scope.loading = false;             pageservice.contentstatus = 'ready';         }     ); 

how show hotels under 50$ ?

find below updated code

$http.get($rootscope.baseurl + 'api/hotels/', {     params: {         page_size: $scope.page_size,         page: $,         goingto: goingto,         ordering: $scope.sortby,         star: $,         min_price: 50     } }).then(     function(data, status, headers, config) {         $ =;         $ = ${ return hotel.min_price < 50}); //filter hotels         $scope.count =;         $scope.loading = false;         pageservice.setcontentready();     },     function(data, status, headers, config) {         $scope.loading = false;         pageservice.contentstatus = 'ready';     } ); 


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