java - How to build a query which matches one of the phrases in Spring Elasticsearch repository -

i know if , how possible create query matches 1 of keyword phrases , not contain of stop word phrases. example:

list<string> keywords = arrays.aslist("one keyword", "another one"); list<string> stopwords = arrays.aslist("dismiss this");  page<result> results = elrepository.findbykeywordsandstepwords(                                 keywords, stopwords, new pagerequest(0, 12)); 

this should match documents containing 1 of exact phrases ("one keyword" or "another one") , no stop word phrases ("dismiss this"). note if document contains terms contained in phrases (eg. "another"), should not return given document result.

after long research, way achieve goal. hope someone:

boolquerybuilder keywordbuilder = boolquery(); keywords.foreach(k -> keywordbuilder.should(matchphrasequery("text", k)));  boolquerybuilder stopwordbuilder = boolquery(); stopwords.foreach(s -> stopwordbuilder.should(matchphrasequery("text", s)));  boolquerybuilder querybuilder = boolquery()         .must(keywordbuilder)         .mustnot(stopwordbuilder);            page<result> results=, pageable); 


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