java - Establishing connection to HTTPS using client certificates -

i want upload file https-server using java. server not open url hence need client certificates establish connection. having .pem , .jks , .pkcs12 client certificate files.

can 1 suggest me how use certificate files in application establish communication ? need use 3 certificate files ?

the .jks file java keystore. should contain correct client certificates (and maybe intermediate certificates certificate chain).

i assume going write client uploads file https server? should use .jks file client certificate (let's apache) httpclient.

you need create sslcontext , load keystore

sslcontext sslcontext = sslcontexts.custom().loadtrustmaterial(new file("keystore", "yourpassword".tochararray(), new trustselfsignedstrategy()).build(); 

then have put sslcontextin sslconnectionsocketfactory

sslconnectionsocketfactory sslsf = new sslconnectionsocketfactory(sslcontext, new string[] { "tlsv1" }, null, sslconnectionsocketfactory.getdefaulthostnameverifier()); 

and build httpclient

httpclient httpclient = httpclients.custom().setsslsocketfactory(sslsf).build(); 

after these steps httpclient should use client certificate keystore desired request.


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