ios - Appium error Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner' -

i have problem executing automation on real ios device system configuration: appium 1.6.0 device iphone 5c (ios 10.1) xcode 8.2

the exception is:

[xcode]  testing failed:     no profiles 'com.facebook.webdriveragentrunner' found:  xcode couldn't find provisioning profile matching 'com.facebook.webdriveragentrunner'.     code signing required product type 'ui testing bundle' in sdk 'ios 10.1' ** test failed **   following build commands failed:     check dependencies (1 failure)  [xcuitest] xcodebuild exited code '65' , signal 'null' [xcuitest] error: xcodebuild failed code 65     @ subprocess.<anonymous> (lib/webdriveragent.js:294:25)     @ emittwo (events.js:106:13)     @ subprocess.emit (events.js:191:7)     @ childprocess.<anonymous> (lib/teen_process.js:191:14)     @ emittwo (events.js:106:13)     @ childprocess.emit (events.js:191:7)     @ process.childprocess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:12)  error: xcodebuild failed code 65     @ subprocess.<anonymous> (lib/webdriveragent.js:294:25)     @ emittwo (events.js:106:13)     @ subprocess.emit (events.js:191:7)     @ childprocess.<anonymous> (lib/teen_process.js:191:14)     @ emittwo (events.js:106:13)     @ childprocess.emit (events.js:191:7)     @ process.childprocess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:12) [debug] [xcuitest] running ios real device reset flow [debug] [xcuitest] resetting simulator [debug] [ioslog] stopping ios log capture [mjsonwp] encountered internal error running command: error: xcodebuild failed code 65     @ subprocess.<anonymous> (lib/webdriveragent.js:294:25)     @ emittwo (events.js:106:13)     @ subprocess.emit (events.js:191:7)     @ childprocess.<anonymous> (lib/teen_process.js:191:14)     @ emittwo (events.js:106:13)     @ childprocess.emit (events.js:191:7)     @ process.childprocess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:12) 

in xcode seems when tried sign webdriveragentrunner failed create provisioning profile , no profiles 'com.facebook.webdriveragentrunner' found


after trying sign webdriveragentrunner free developer account following error in xcode

xcode error

please assist.

i facing same issue while signing "webdriveragentrunner" not have target application select corresponding field shows "none". found link while searching solution:

it says

webdriveragent project has signed same developer signature main application under test.

maybe can you, although haven't tried yet. if resolution, please share here also.


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