ios - Can't run "pod install" with ":git" -

thi podfile:

platform :ios, '7.0'  def mypods pod 'mtmenubar', :git => '', :branch => 'master' end target 'xxx'     mypods end  target 'yyy'     mypods end  project 'zzz' 

when run "pod install", got bug:

analyzing dependencies pre-downloading: `mtmenubar` ``, branch `master` [!] `mtmenubar` pod failed validate due 2 errors. [!] validator swift projects uses swift 3.0 default, if using different version of swift can use `.swift-version` file set version pod. example use swift 2.3, run:      `echo "2.3" > .swift-version`:     - error | attributes: missing required attribute `homepage`.     - warn  | github_sources: github repositories should end in `.git`.     - error | [ios] frameworks: framework should specified name 

please let me know problem here? thank you!


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