prestashop back office custom module template for listing OR override by module -

due ps documentation rather bare, 'd know if solve probelm @ subj.

have last stable ps. done many modules ...

needs (custom table [created]: ok, custom listing [ordering, filtering]: ok): when click on row (subq: when add "addrowaction()" produce same ...), want see controllers edit/update page - escpecially: controller = adminproduct & updateproduct ... id_product given, dunno how pass:.

specially: listing of ordered products (own modul, own list) want ovveride link it's automatically provide. i'm sure simple, found solution yet ...

the question is: how override (must copy module structure?) list helper, other helpers ... or need write full .tpl got function(s) above ...

well, implemented ugly solution q. ( codes :) ):

part of _construct()...:

    $this->fields_list = array();     $this->fields_list['id_order'] = array(         'title' => $this->l('order id'),         'align' => 'center',         'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',         'type' => 'int'     );     $this->fields_list['product_reference'] = array(         'title' => $this->l('product reference'),         'filter_key' => 'product_reference',     );     $this->fields_list['product_name'] = array(         'title' => $this->l('name'),         'filter_key' => 'product_name'     );     $this->fields_list['product_quantity'] = array(         'title' => $this->l('pices'),         'filter_key' => 'product_quantity'     );     $this->fields_list['total_price_tax_incl'] = array(         'title' => $this->l('full price incl. tax.'),         'filter_key' => 'total_price_tax_incl',         'type' => 'int'     );      $this->_join .= ' left join `' . _db_prefix_ . 'orders` b on ( a.`id_order` = b.`id_order` )';     $this->_select .= ' b.`date_add`,';     $this->fields_list['date_add'] = array(         'title' => $this->l('added'),         'filter_key' => 'b!date_add',     );      $this->_join .= ' left join `' . _db_prefix_ . 'vatera_kl_order` c on (c.`id_order` = b.`id_order` )';     $this->_select .= ' c.`status` vstatus, ';     $this->fields_list['vstatus'] = array(         'title' => $this->l('vatera status'),         'filter_key' => 'c!status'     );      $this->_group .= 'group `id_order`';      $this->_orderby = 'id_order';     $this->_orderway = 'desc';      parent::__construct();//ddd($this); 

one private function, id_product (product_id in order_details), , overrided initcontent() ugly redirect ...:

private function getpidfromodid($odid) {     $q = 'select `product_id` `' . _db_prefix_ . 'order_detail` `id_order_detail` = ' . $odid;     $result = db::getinstance(_ps_use_sql_slave_)->executes(         $q         );     return $result[0]['product_id']; }  public function initcontent() {     if ($this->display == 'edit') {         $admin = explode(directory_separator,_ps_admin_dir_);         $admin_folder = array_pop((array_slice($admin, -1)));         tools::redirect(             _ps_base_url_ . '/' . $admin_folder . '/' . $this->context->link->getadminlink('adminproducts') . '&id_product=' . (int)$this->getpidfromodid(tools::getvalue('id_order_detail')) . '&updateproduct');     }     else         parent::initcontent(); } 

so, original question till question ... nice method, override list behaviour ...


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