java - Dynamically adding options to a listpreference -

i writing program has preferenceactivity , multiple preferencefragment. 1 of options user selects server connect to, populated xml.

<string-array name="server_names">     <item>test</item>     <item>item1</item>     <item>item2</item> </string-array>  <string-array name="server_addresses">     <item></item>      <item></item>     <item></item> </string-array> 

this works fine , 3 names in list. there separate fragment allows user enter name , ip address added drop down option.

i have got working solution involved loading external file, clearing entries , adding ones file. 'ok' want use sharedpreferences save these values. question this, how use editor write options saved each time app launched?

i have looked @ using editor, putstringset , commit added option doesn't appear in drop down. there related posts seem deal textpreference solutions haven't solved problem.

edit, how create listpreference:

    <listpreference       android:entries="@array/server_names"       android:entryvalues="@array/server_addresses"       android:key="@string/countrylistid"       android:negativebuttontext="@null"       android:positivebuttontext="@null"       android:title="@string/pref_title_select_com_target"       android:enabled="true"     android:shoulddisableview="false" /> 

i have click handler on label add listpreference:

 public boolean onpreferenceclick(preference preference) {                 new alertdialog.builder(getactivity())                         .settitle("add new server")                         .setmessage("confirm wish add server?")                         .seticon(android.r.drawable.ic_dialog_alert)                         .setpositivebutton(android.r.string.yes, new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                              public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int whichbutton) {                                 sharedpreferences sharedpref = getactivity().getpreferences(context.mode_private);                                 sharedpreferences.editor editor = sharedpref.edit();         /*  command in here edit server_names , server_addresses */                                }})                         .setnegativebutton(, null).show();                   return true;             }         }); 

write shared pref

sharedpreferences sharedpref = getactivity().getpreferences(context.mode_private); sharedpreferences.editor editor = sharedpref.edit(); editor.putint("highscore", 5); editor.commit(); 

read from:

sharedpreferences sharedpref = getactivity().getpreferences(context.mode_private); int defaultvalue = 0; long highscore = sharedpref.getint("highscore"), defaultvalue); 

is asking?


looking @ code, seem missing actual saving.

check answer gregor: how add new value listpreference , save it?

he says everytime open dialog, list xml loaded. need change behaviour include preferences sharedpreferences.

you can change behavior using setentries() , setentryvaues() methods of listpreference


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