php - Using Laravel Goutte package for scrapping -

but have face problem scrapping targeted site shows me error

"file_get_contents(): ssl operation failed code 1. openssl error messages: error:140770fc  :ssl routines:ssl23_get_server_hello:unknown protocol" 

my code:

<?php  namespace app\http\controllers;   use goutte\client; use symfony\component\domcrawler\crawler; use illuminate\http\request; use app\http\requests; use app\library\simple_html_dom;  class webscrapercontroller extends controller {     public function index()     {         //  create new goutte client instance         $client = new client();          //  hackery allow https         $guzzleclient = new \guzzlehttp\client([             'timeout' => 60,             'verify' => false,         ]);          // create dom url or file         $html = new \htmldom('');           foreach ($html->find('img') $element) {             echo $element->src . '<br>';         }          // find links         foreach ($html->find('a') $element) {             echo $element->href . '<br>';         }     } } 


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