javascript - .tz() in moment.js timezone does not convert time zones correctly -

i having trouble when converting time zone time zone using moment.js.

this code:

convertselectedtimezonetoclients() {     let timezoneinfo = {         userstimezone: this.$,         utcoffset: this.formdata.timezone.offset,         selecteddatetime: this.tojsonlocal(this.formdata.sessiondate) + " " + this.formdata.sessiontime      };      let utctime = this.$rootscope.mtz.utc(timezoneinfo.selecteddatetime).utcoffset(timezoneinfo.utcoffset).format("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm");     let con = this.$, timezoneinfo.userstimezone).format();     return con; } 

the user picks date, time , time zone drop downs on client page. in timezoneinfo object storing userstimezone (i want able convert timezone user selected on page , convert local time zone).

for example user picks: 11/08/2016 01:30 , utc+2 timezone , timezone utc+1, want show him in label: 11/08/2016 00:30 since utc+1 -1 hour comparing utc+2 timezone.

i store offsets time zones in 1 object , values hard coded (utcoffset: this.formdata.timezone.offset). before convert time form time zone time zone this: time zone -> convert utc time -> convert user time zone.

what happening utctime variable has correct value. when pass value , users time zone .tz() function , using format() readable value same time utctime shown in picture:

enter image description here

i have read moment.js docs , them .tz().format() should work, can see result is: 2016-11-08t23:30:00+01:00. gets should incremented 1 hour how accomplish get: 2016-11-09t00:30 instead?

i have tried .format("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm") same problem. when use .local() function should convert utc time specified time zone same problem present.

am getting wrongly? pretty sure when convert 2016-11-08t23:30 utc utc+1 should 2016-11-09t00:30, or 1 hour forward. sees strange in code?


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