api - How to Identify the Error OR Reason for Empty Response Body from "Hubspot" to my own application -

i new using hubspot , trying use "hubspot integration" application. in hubspot application, used own url return response using webhooks. returns response "ok":

however, if put in application url, returns no response: empty string.

to response body used code:

<cfparam name="dsname" default="xxx" /> <cfquery name="privlog" datasource="#dsname#">     insert tempmessage(message)     values('hubspot inbound : #gethttprequestdata().content#' ) </cfquery> 

however, returns empty response. in message column shows hard coded value "hubspot inbound :". doesn't contain response body.

message        hubspot inbound :           creationdate   2016-11-08 04:25:20.857 

if use sample application "requestmaker" site post url, returns non empty response. ideas might issue?


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