html - How to put filter on a field in QWEB -

i want put filter on field in qweb such that,when select city "pune" , corresponding pincodes should displayed , not all. here code city , zip

<label class="control-label" for="city">city</label> <select name="city_id" class="form-control">    <option value="">city...</option>    <t t-foreach="cities or []" t-as="city">    <option t-att-value="" t-att-selected=" == checkout.get('city')"><t t-esc="city.city_id"/></option>    </t> </select>  <label class="control-label label-optional" for="zip">zip / postal code</label> <select name="zip_id" class="form-control">     <option value="">zip...</option>     <t t-foreach="zips or []" t-as="zip_id">     <option t-att-value="" style="display:none;" t-att-data-city_id="zip_id.city_id"  t-att-selected=" == checkout.get('zip_id')"><t t-esc=""/></option>     </t> </select> 


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