javascript - Jsscrollpane is not working while using ajax to append data in popup box or dialog box -

i using jsscrollpane stylish scrollbar in popup box. on scrolling data, need use ajax append data.but ajax , jsscrollpane not working can use together? code below:

$('.notification_content').scroll(function(e) { if($(this).scrolltop() + $(this).innerheight() >= $(this)[0].scrollheight) {      /*alert('hii');*/     var limitstart = $(".notificationsection").length;     loadresults(limitstart);      $('.js_scrollable').jscrollpane(); }}); function loadresults(offset) { $("#loading").show(); var file = '<?php echo site_url;?>/view/notification.php';   var data = 'offset='+offset+'&type=notification'; $.ajax({     type: 'post',     url: file,     data: data,     datatype : "html",     complete: function () { },     success: function(data){         var $obj = $(data);         var content_records = $obj.find('div.saperate_notification').html();         $(".notificationsection :last").after(content_records);     } })}; 


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