ios - React Native Web Bridge Redirect on notification -

hei, im developing app , i´m using webviewbridge send data between app , server. have problem when notification , app closed, want make redirect url based on data notification. code:

pushnotificationios.getinitialnotification().then(function (notification) {    if (notification != null) {      alert(json.stringify(notification));      this._onpresssendnotification(notification);   }  }); 


_onpresssendnotification(notification){     const { webviewbridge } = this.refs;     webviewbridge.sendtobridge(json.stringify(notification))   }, 

when send bridge notification, works fine. getinitialnotification not execute _onpresssendnotification. error on app is: " undefined not object (evaluating 'this_onpresssendnotification."



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