angularjs - Ionic- display picture taken with camera on same page -

i'm trying display image captured through camera on same page without visiting phone's memory. watsapp, way click , upload right away there only. so, capture , display automatically on same page, have capture button.

 .controller('cameractrl', function($scope, $cordovacamera) {    document.addeventlistener("deviceready", function () {      var options = {       quality: 50,       destinationtype: camera.destinationtype.data_url,       sourcetype:,       allowedit: true,       encodingtype: camera.encodingtype.jpeg,       targetwidth: 100,       targetheight: 100,       popoveroptions: camerapopoveroptions,       savetophotoalbum: false,       correctorientation:true     };      $cordovacamera.getpicture(options).then(function(imagedata) {         var image = document.getelementbyid('myimage');         image.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imagedata;        }, function(err) {       // error     });     }, false);  })  


 .state('tab.detail', {   url: '/new-order/id',   views: {     'tab-new': {       templateurl: 'templates/detail.html',       controller: 'detailctrl'     }   } })  .state ('camera',{   url:'/camera',   templateurl: 'templates/detail.html',   controller:'cameractrl' }) 


       <ion-content>          <div>            <div class="col text-right">              <p>                <a href="#/camera" class="camera-icon" ><i class="icon ion-camera"></i></a>              </p>            </div>       <p>         <img ng-src="image.src" />       <p>    </div>  </ion-content> 

you need declare image.src on scope $scope.image.src="data:image/jpeg;base64," + imagedata;

then in html bind image <img ng-src="image.src"/>


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