spring - Java and SAML - where to start? -

we have custom rest web app (java based) uses username/password login. call application 'admin'. users of admin use couple of commercial cloud based applications, call these app1 , app2. i've been asked investigate how can use single sign on between admin, app1 , app2. app1 , app2 can configured use saml , have full access code of admin application. i've done preliminary reading , understand principles involved.

i want prototype code i'm not sure start! example how should proceed identity provider? interface should implement, there abstract class should extended? service provider. given app1 , app2 can configured use saml changes/extensions needed on admin app?

many m

disclaimer: i'm creator of pac4j.

if have java apps , want secure them using saml, should take @ pac4j security engine available many java frameworks: j2e, spring mvc / boot, play , many more.

for saml support: http://www.pac4j.org/1.9.x/docs/clients/saml.html


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