java - Validation of a date with Hibernate -

we have existing hotel management system. asked add date validation in "create accommodation" function in system. dialog looks this:

enter image description here

the "end date" validated shown in code below. @future annotation in hibernate ensures date in future.

@notnull @future @datetimeformat(pattern = "dd/mm/yyyy") @temporal( private date enddate; 


i asked add validation "start date". present or future date allowed. tried use @present annotation, guess there no such thing. unfortunately, @future not accept today's date. new kind of thing. hope can me. thank you.


you can use

@creationtimestamp @temporal( @column(name = "create_date") private date startdate; 

or on update

@updatetimestamp @temporal(temporaltype.timestamp) @column(name = "modify_date") private date startdate; 

java (jpa)

you can define field date startdate; , use

@prepersist protected void oncreatestartdate() { startdate = new date(); 

or on update

@preupdate protected void onupdatestartdate() { startdate = new date(); 

update , example

after have updated question not fix start date present, have different approach. need write custom validator check if date or in future, here.

therefore can introduce new annotation in

@target({ elementtype.field, elementtype.method, elementtype.parameter }) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @constraint(validatedby = presentorfuturevalidator.class) @documented public @interface presentorfuture {     string message() default "{presentorfuture.message}";     class<?>[] groups() default {};     class<? extends payload>[] payload() default {}; } 

then have define validator in

public class presentorfuturevalidator     implements constraintvalidator<presentorfuture, date> {      public final void initialize(final presentorfuture annotation) {}      public final boolean isvalid(final date value,         final constraintvalidatorcontext context) {          // use date comparison         calendar calendar = calendar.getinstance();          calendar.set(calendar.hour_of_day, 0);         calendar.set(calendar.minute, 0);         calendar.set(calendar.second, 0);          date today = calendar.gettime();          // date must after today or today (== not before today)         return !value.before(today) || value.after(today);      } } 

then have set:

@notnull @presentorfuture @datetimeformat(pattern = "dd/mm/yyyy") @temporal( private date startdate; 

well, exhausive. have not tested myself, since not have set-up now, should work. hope helps.


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