python - where to save the verification code sent to the user for signing up -

i'm somehow new django , it's first time implementing signup form sms verification.

i user mobile number , generate random number , send him; want generated code expired after 30 minutes , after don't need them, seems not idea save them in db , after expiration time, delete them.

i wonder if can me the question "what best way implement this?"

thank in advance

save them in redis. redis keys can have ttl(time-to-live), keys ttl deleted automatically after time period.

import redis r = redis.strictredis()  # create pin  r.set("<phone-number>", <sms-pin>) r.expire("<phone-number>", 1800) # 1800 seconds = 1/2 hour  # pin if r.exists("<phone-number>"):     pin=r.get("<phone-number>")     ... validate pin else:     ... invalid pin 

more docs @


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